coping skills for adults

Create a Coping Skills Toolkit to Use On The Go!

It’s wonderful having a home set up where you have a reset or safe space where your kids can use strategies and process their emotions. But what happens when we go out? Having coping strategies ready is just as important. Whether that’s at school, traveling, out with friends, before a medical appointment or at parties knowing what you can do outside of the comfort of your own home is really helpful.

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Mini Moments of Self-Care for Adults

Today’s question is, what can you do in 5 minutes or less that will make you feel happier, healthier or stronger? There are many moments in life when the day to day can feel stressful. Anyone can feel this. Whether you’re a working professional or a parent at home with kids in any stage of life. You may hit those moments and ask how can I take a moment for myself in the midst of the situation you face to give yourself some self care and revitalize yourself in those moments. Today’s episode covers some quick self care strategies to use during the day. These can make a difference to your day to empower and reset your mind as you go about your day. 

The topics I cover in this episode are:

© Encourage Play, LLC / Coping Skills for Kids 2021