The Challenges and Silver Linings of COVID-19

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This COVID-19 world is a strange place to be. I got en email recently where someone was talking about this being the best of times and the worst of times, and it rang true for me. This time is both challenging and good.

It’s challenging because:

Scary things are happening right now. How long will this last? How are my loved ones with COVID-19 doing? I’m worried about my loved ones and essential workers in my life, who have to go out frequently. I’m concerned about the doctors and nurses who are on the front lines.

It’s good because:

It reminds me to pay attention and be grateful for the small things. I’m thankful for things like chats with my kids, more family time, and having kind neighbors. I’m also grateful for video games and light traffic when I’m dropping off food for my mom.

Here are a few other thoughts I share in the podcast

-Although every day may not be good, there is good in every day.
-Recognize that we are living life at a higher stress level than we did three months ago.

-Name your feelings to help manage them. And help your kids/students name their feelings too.

-Some days will be awesome. Some days will be terrible, no good, very bad days. Some days will be both.

-Give yourself grace. Give your family and friends grace. Give strangers grace.Take a listen!


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