Eight Fidgets for the Classroom


We all know those kids who can’t quite get settled in the classroom. They may have a hard time sitting down to get their homework done. They may be zoning off in the middle of a lesson in school. Or they may look like they are paying attention, but their mind is constantly wandering off. These kids might benefit from a fidget!

Today's solo episode of the Calm and Connected podcast is all about fidgets, and in particular, the ones I think are great for the classroom.

The topics I cover in this episode are:

  • How I use Fidgets

  • Fidgets are tools, not toys

  • The different types of Fidgets

  • How you can make cost-effective Fidgets from a pool noodle

  • Using Velcro and fabrics as tactile tools

  • Fidgets which are available buy

  • A fidget I created for Coping Skills for Kids - Quiet Fidget

Resources mentioned in podcast:

Calm and Connected Podcast about Coping Skills Toolkit at Dollar Tree


Quiet Fidget from Coping Skills for Kids


And remember, do not forget about yourself, take a few minutes for you and have a little fun!

© Encourage Play, LLC / Coping Skills for Kids 2021